Calling vs Career

Scripture Reading - Galatians 1:13a 1912 Weymouth New Testament (WNT)

For you have heard of my early career in Judaism . . .

As we stated in the “First Calling” every person on the face of this earth has a “calling”. The “first calling” is the voice of the Lord trying to get your attention to be saved. Upon being saved by God through the confession of Jesus Christ as our Lord we will be moved toward God’s “Second Calling”. This calling we refer to as God’s “Second Calling” which includes doing God’s perfect will for your life. God’s perfect will (His Second Calling) is not stumbled into by accident and ignorance but rather on purpose by passion and pursuit. Generally what happens is as we draw closer to God by spending more time with Him it becomes clearer (revealed) what He has “called” (commissioned) us to do while we are on this earth. This brings us to our message for today which is understanding the difference between “God’s Calling” and our earthly “career”. Generally speaking the “calling” from God is where your heart of service is or at least where your heart for helping others should be. The Believer should have a good heart (spirit and soul) toward fulfilling “God’s calling” upon their life to be a true blessing to others. Once you understand what you are supposed to do before God it is expected that you do it to the best of your abilities. Your personal “calling” from God should be heart felt and highly esteemed because your rewards in Heaven (and some here on the earth) will be somewhat tied to how well you accomplished your God given assignment. This means you could have different “callings” from God at different timeframes of your walk with Him. For example God could have “called” you to be an evangelist as a young man and change that “calling” into being a pastor at a later age of your life. The Lord’s “callings” are not quickly changed but given appropriate time and seasons the “calling” may shift a little depending upon the needs of the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ our Lord, Savoir and Elder Brother. Thus, it is to our advantage to place this “calling” as the highest priority in our life by learning all we can about what we are “called” (required) to do. However, your “career” upon the earth can be somewhat more flexible because it is very possible that some people have had several “careers” while still believing they have the same single “calling” from God. Yes, it is even possible to have a degreed “career” that earns a very good wage but it is not doing what God “called” you to do. In the ministry we (ihlcc) see this quite often where the individual feels they have a “calling” from God but they need a “career” in doing something to make enough money to meet their current financial needs until they can make a profit at performing God’s Perfect Will for their life. The term “career” basically means what you do as a profession. Some will call this your occupation while others could say your life’s work. Whatever you do for work and are prepared to work as for an extended period of time could be consider your “career”. In today’s Holy Bible verse the word “career” is referring to the Apostle Paul’s functions (duties, deeds, works) when he was a Pharisee. The “career” of being a Pharisee in the Jewish religion is quite different from being an Apostle of Jesus his “calling”. Although a religious “career” is good and profitable we (ihlcc) are sure you would agree that when Paul moved over into performing “God’s calling” upon his life his deeds (works) were much more pleasing to God. Therefore, it is good to note that blessed is the man (or woman) who’s “career” is doing what God “called” him/her to do. It is very common to have many people in the Body of Christ working in a “career” that is contrary to their “calling”. This is due to the fact that God created man to work so working with your hands and mind is right. However, all the hard work in the world will never give you the grace to fulfill “God’s calling” upon your life. Yes, working in a “career” while doing (and preparing for) God’s “calling” is blessed because the timing of being in a position where you can receive sufficient income for doing God’s “calling” (His Perfect Will) may take a while. So be firm in your purpose to do “God’s calling” because it is very important to the Lord, to your family and to the countless others who will be touched by your love-filled services. Keep the ultimate prize in mind of fulfilling God’s perfect will while you patiently work in a “career” that fits your talents and capabilities. The Lord is not the author of confusion He only wants for you to be blessed as you purpose to bless others. So know and understand your spiritual “calling” from God while you faithfully work your “career” in this earth knowing if you are doing both at the same time as one function (one job) you are highly blessed indeed. Amen!